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  • We encourage good communication between parents and school. On rare occasions, we may disagree with each other. Often this can be as a result of miscommunication on either or both sides. When you feel something isn't right, we urge you to talk to us so that we can try and resolve this. We hope that you never have to make a complaint, but if you do, please follow the information below so that it can be resolved.

  • If you find that a disagreement occurs, we would like to draw your attention to our Parental Complaints Code of Conduct.

  • Our aim is always to resolve any issues or concerns that parents or carers may have as quickly and efficiently as possible. In order for us to do so, and to safeguard the wellbeing of our staff, it is important that parents and carers comply with the following standards when contacting the school.

  • It is recognised that the vast majority of parents already comply with these standards and we thank you for your support with this.

Parental Complaint Code of Conduct

  1. Staff should not be approached when they are not at work. Parents should always contact staff whilst in school. Staff have been instructed not to comment on complaints that are presented out of school. Staff should not be contacted via social media on their personal accounts.
  2. Complaints or concerns should be addressed to the person identified below, unless it is of a very personal nature to do with that staff member. In line with the complaints policy, the Headteacher should not be involved immediately. The Headteacher should only become involved when the correct procedure has been followed, in order to allow a suitably neutral review of your concern if this is necessary. It is important that only the most serious concerns are escalated up to the Headteacher, and only when the appropriate members of staff have been contacted first.
  3. Inflammatory comments or statements should be avoided and the tone should be courteous at all times – emotive and accusatory words such as ‘disgusting’, use of capital letters or defamatory statements should not be included. The complaint should reflect the information you have currently received; please remember that you have one version of the information that has caused you concern and therefore your information is incomplete and further investigation will be needed.
  4. Each complainant will represent their own views and should not seek to present themselves as self-appointed spokesperson for others.
  5. Social media concerns about the school should not be shared through social media. We would expect parents to model the behaviour we expect of our children which would include talking to us if you have concerns.
  6. We aim to deal with all complaints seriously and work to resolve them; please do not threaten with governors, the Multi-Academy Trust, the Department for Education or Ofsted as a means to fast-forward your complaint.
  7. Meetings will always be arranged where and when it is deemed necessary. Concerns around safety or child protection will be dealt with immediately otherwise an appointment will need to be made, in advance, to be seen by a staff member. Staff are not able to see parents who turn up without an appointment as their priority is teaching and learning. Please arrange all appointments through the school office.
  8. Please do not approach teachers before school (unless you have an appointment), as they need to prepare for teaching and learning.
  9. Any concerns and complaints received which do not comply with our expectations will be returned back to parents until the communications meet the expectations outlined above. Parents and carers who breach the terms will be subject to restricted access to staff.
  10. The above standards apply to written and verbal complaints and are also expectations that we hold for our staff.


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