Reading at Oakfield
Accelerated Reader
From Year 2 we use a reading programme called Accelerated Reader, where the children are individually matched to books they can read with suitable challenge and accessibility. They then complete an online quiz which asks comprehension questions to ensure they have understood what they are reading.
100% Tea
When children achieve 100% in a quiz, they add their name to their class box. At the end of each half term, two names are drawn from each class and the children join Miss Bray and Mrs Lailey to make a book mark and enjoy some squash and biscuits.
Reading at OWL
Children are able to snuggle in the tents at Forest School to enjoy some quiet time. They also discuss important topics such as climate change through stories including 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson.
Special Events
Children take part in various activities throughout the year. These include Reading Celebration, National Storytelling Week, World Book Day and Bedtime Stories. Click here for more information.