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Year R Places

  • Starting School - Early Years Overview



    At Oakfield, we pride ourselves on our exceptional Early Years curriculum, which is designed to provide your child with a seamless transition from nursery and preschool into primary school, to give them continuity in their learning journey.

  • Play-based learning takes place both indoors and outdoors, allowing children to explore and discover their immediate environment; encouraging them to take safe risks and become problem-solvers, working independently and with others. Throughout the day, there is a well-balanced mix of adult-led, adult-initiated, and child-led play.
  • Our aim is to make your child's school experience magical and memorable; creating a positive and nurturing environment that will support them as they grow and learn.
  • When and how do I apply?

    • Hampshire County Council administer the school applications process, and you can apply for a place from the start of November to mid-January, for your child to start school in the following September. You can view the exact opening and closing dates on their website.
    • All applications we receive will be treated and ranked equally based on the criteria in our Admissions Policy.



Visit us, and apply for a school place. 

We hold Open Day and Evening sessions for families to tour the school and see all we have to offer. We can also arrange an informal chat over the phone or on Teams if you can't make any of these sessions.

If you like what you see, add us as one of your three choices for a school place on the application form (hopefully, we will be your first choice!) 

Applications open at the start of November. We recommend getting it done before Christmas, so you can enjoy the festive season without it weighing on your mind!


The wait begins ...

Applications close in mid-January.

Between then and April, we will be reviewing all applications and ranking them based on our admission criteria.


Offer day ...

In mid-April, you'll receive an email confirming if you have been successful in securing a place at your chosen school. Or you can log into the Hampshire Admissions Portal to view the decision.

If you didn't provide them with an email address, a letter will be sent instead (which may take a few days to arrive).


We'll be in touch... 

We will write to you with lots of information and key dates. We'll also invite you into school to welcome you and the other families.

If you're unhappy with the decision you've received, and wish to lodge an appeal, you must do this with Hampshire County Council's Admissions Team. Click here for more information.


Stay & Play Begins

We'll start to invite you and your child into school on a regular basis, so that they can get used to the environment and meet their new friends.


Be part of the school community

We will welcome you to our sports days and other family events that are taking place at the end of the summer term. It's always optional, but families have told us they really enjoy the experience.

We'll give you a little summer goodie-bag and some exciting homework!


Enjoy the summer!

Get your uniform, have fun putting it on and wear those shoes in, before the first day!

Explore the goodie bag we gave you, let your child play with the resources ... it will help them to know the things they will use at school. 


The first day of school ...

Nervousness, excitement, tears ... and that's just the parents! Please don't worry, it's going to be OK... we've got LOTS of experience, and we'll guide you the whole way. You've done a great job so far... now it's time to let them fly.

Starting school can be very tiring for our new Year R’s, so we run a part-time timetable for their first week at Oakfield.

For the first few days, they will go home at 12pm (just before lunchtime). Then for a few more days they will stay until 1pm, so they can experience having their lunch in the hall with the rest of the school.

At play-time, they will initially be kept separate from the other year groups while they get used to the school environment. Over the first half-term, we will slowly introduce them to the KS1 playground and the older children, who will love showing them around and making sure they're OK.


More information...

Click here to find out more about what your child will learn and experience in Year R.







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