September 2024 - August 2025
1 - Securing Academic Excellence
- 1a) Ensure a robust induction period is in that new staff are quickly able to demonstrate the high quality of teaching and learning which adhere to Oakfield expectations.
- 1b) Ensure Phonics and early reading are embedded in the school’s culture that children are fluent readers and access the wider curriculum.
- 1c) Embed effective assessment practices in the school that this is reflected positively in outcomes across the curriculum.
- 1d) Refine the number of Threshold concepts and link these to knowledge organisers in Science, History and that teachers, children and families are clear about the concepts taught.
- 1e) Create a Year 1 environment that supports the intent of an ambitious coherently planned and sequenced curriculum that develops over that the impact of the curriculum on what children know, can remember and do is strong.
2 - Strengthening Leadership
- 2a) Implement a programme of that the approach to subject leadership is consistent and in line with Oakfield’s ethos.
- 2b) Raise the profile of the that we establish ourselves as a well-known part of the wider community which leads to a rise in pupil numbers.
3 - Strengthening Behaviour and Attitudes
Teach and model self-regulation and emotional that children are better able to understand, communicate and regulate their own feelings and emotions appropriate to their stage of development.