The Library
Welcome to the library
At Oakfield Academy we are particularly proud of our wonderful library. We are passionate about books and seek to teach our children to love reading and books.
We have a wide selection of fiction, non-fiction and picture books. All children are able to come to the library to choose library books and in most year group they are able to take two books home at a time.
Our school librarian, Mrs Debbie Lailey, is available to support the children and has regular contact with children across all year groups.
100 Books
We are keen to encourage the children to read lots of different books and so we have compiled a list of 100 books we feel all children should read before they leave Oakfield at the end of Year 6. Each class has 10-15 books that are recommended for their year group.
Once the children have read a book they will be able to share some key points with their class teacher, Miss Bray or Mrs Light-Rowsell. They will then give them a coloured sticker to place over the picture of the book they have read.
Not sure what to read next?
It's great to have a favourite series of books or a favourite author but what do you do when you've run out of books or want to try something new?
Take a look at this website which gives lots of new ideas linked to authors you may already love.