Applying for a place at Oakfield Academy
Looking for your child's first school place? Or moving schools?
Whether this is your first time or you're familiar with the process, we're here to help.
Choosing a school can be a daunting process. That's why we encourage you to meet us. We'll put you right at ease and support your decision-making as much as possible.
We know it's important that your child goes to the right school - not just any school. Even if you find we're not for you, we're still happy to help as much as we can.
Oakfield Academy is a small, friendly primary school; the only school in the local area that incorporates both Key Stage 1 ('Infant') and Key Stage 2 ('Junior') year groups, all the way from Year R to Year 6.
We do welcome children from outside our catchment area if we have sufficient places.
The admission process is different for Year R places, Year 3 (junior) places, or in-year transfers between schools.
Please select the button below for more information.
Open Days 2024
Our open day sessions are a great way for you and your child to take a look around and get a feel for our school. The day sessions take place during school hours, so you can see us in action! Use the link below to book a place on a tour, via email.
Admissions Policy
Click here to see our policy.
We are consulting on changes to our Admissions Policy. In summary the changes we are proposing are:
- Oversubscription criteria (priority given to children of staff and to those in any nursery provision)
- Clarification on tie-breakers
- Changes to "sibling" definition to include "step" children living at the same address.