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Admissions Arrangements

Link: Admissions

View our Admissions Policy here 

In-Year Admissions

Link: Admissions


This will be published by 28 February each year. 

Allocated Funding

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Page

PE & Sports Premium



Annual Reports & Accounts

& Articles

Link: Gateway Trust

Names of
trustees and members

Link: Gateway Trust


Link: Gateway Trust


2021 / 2022
  • Schools do not need to display KS2 results for 2021/2022 on their websites, as this data will not be published. 
  • This is because statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019, without adaptations, after disruption caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • We provide a link to the DfE's published data for our school.
2022 / 2023

Reading - The banding for this school is ‘well above average’.

Writing - The banding for this school is ‘well above average’.

Maths - The banding for this school is ‘well above average’

Curriculum Information

Contact Information

  • The name of the school

    • Oakfield Academy

  •  The school’s postal address

    • Sylvia Crescent, Totton, Hampshire, SO40 3LN

  • The telephone number of the school

    • 02380 862530

  • The website, postal address, and telephone number of the trust

  • The name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public

    • Hannah McFarlane |

  • The name of the Headteacher

    • Lucy Bray |

  • The name and contact details of the chair of governors

    • Marie Loftus |

  • The name and contact details of the SENCO 

    • Lucy Bray |

Equality Information & Pay

Public Sector Equality 

Click here to see our policy.

Equality Objectives

Click here to see our policy.

Executive Pay

There are no employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more, therefore this is N/A.

Gender Pay Gap

The school does not have 250 or more employees, this is therefore N/A.

Governance Information

Information about each of the trust’s members serving at any point over the past 12 months, including:

    • Their full name

    • The date of their appointment

    • The date they stepped down (where applicable)

    • Any relevant business and pecuniary interests, including governance roles in other educational institutions

Ofsted Reports

Specific Policies & Documents

SEND Information

  • The SEN Information Report, updated with any changes as soon as possible after they occur and at least annually, 

  • The ‘SEN information’ specified in schedule 1 to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

Complaints Page

Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of pupils with SEND about the support provided by the school. 

Admissions Page

The arrangements for the admission of pupils with SEND.

Equality Objectives

Click here to see our policy.

Local Offer

Link to SEN page

Accessibility Plan

Click here to see our policy.


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